
Certification ISO 9001:2015

Scope of certification: development, construction, production, sale, modernization, installation and servicing of special and industrial electronic systems and software.

Certification ISO 14001:2015

Scope of certification: development, construction, production, sale, modernization, installation and servicing of special and industrial electronic systems and software.

Certification ISO 27001:2014

RETIA, a.s. has implemented an information security management system in accordance with ČSN EN ISO/IEC 27001:2014 in the area of ​​development, design, production, sales, modernization, installation and service of special and industrial electronic systems and software.

Certification AQAP 2110

Scope of validity: development, Construction, Production, S ale, Modern ization, Installation and Servicing of Special and Industrial Electronic Systems and software.

Certificate of Facility Security Clearance - NATO Secret

The National Security Authority confirms that RETIA a.s. possesses storage capabilities approved for the safeguarding of classified information up to the NATO Secret level.

Certificate of Facility Security Clearance – SECRET

The National Security Authority of the Czech Republic awarded our company a certificate allowing access to classified information up to the SECRET level.

Approval Certificate of Civil Aviation Authority

The Civil Aviation Authority approves RETIA a.s. to develop, produce, install, maintain, repair, modify and change of design of Aeronautical Ground Facilities within the scope according to Annex 1 to Decree No. 108/1997 Coll. para. 3.3.4 and 3.3.10.

DSIA certification

Our company is a member of the Defense and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic.

Certificate of ECOBAT/ASEKOL

Certificate of conclusion and validity of the joint performance contract pursuant to Section 31k, Paragraph 1, Letter c) of Act No. 185/2001 Coll., On Waste.

LLAPI Laboratory tests - Poland

Certificate of interoperability - JREAP-C

LLAPI Field tests

Approval certificate MAA 3066 to 3068​

  • to produce, modifications and constructional changes military aetonautical ground facilities
  • to development and to test military aeronautical ground facilities
  • to installation, maintain and repair military aeronautical ground facilities