The ReTOB optical apparatus detects low-flying targets by means of day and night vision in an area not covered by radar means. It is part of the RACCOS system.
thermal imaging
coordinate accuracy
< 15 m
marching position
at least 8 hours
The ReTob apparatus for an airspace observer is designed to detect low-flying targets by means of day and night vision in an area not covered by radar means.
The 3D information obtained about the detected targets is transmitted to the command and control site by radio or metal link for further processing.
The observer’s apparatus consists of a tripod, goniometer, sensors, a rugged laptop and communication and navigation tools.
ReTob has been introduced into the armament of the Czech Armed Forces as part of the RACCOS system.
The ReTOB optical apparatus detects low-flying targets by means of day and night vision in an area not covered by radar means. It is part of the RACCOS system.

Basic characteristics
Navigation system
- GPS in SPS mode
- coordinate accuracy <15 m
Digital goniometer
- electronic compass accuracy 0.5° RMS
- azimuth measurement accuracy 0.5° RMS
- elevation measurement accuracy 0.2° RMS
Laser range-finder
- range in daylight on a type Mi-17 helicopter at least 8 km
- distance measurement accuracy ± 5 m
- 8x optical magnification
Thermal camera
- cooled, working in the 3-5 um band
- range of night vision on a Mi-17 helicopter at least 5 km
- target detection in thermal imaging camera:
- tank > 8 km
- helicopter 12 km
- plane 20 km
Powered by internal batteries
- 8h in marching position
- 4h in combat position
External power
- DC 12-27 V, max. 140W