A mobile, automated command and control system for ground air defence.
The RACCOS automated system is a mobile communication and information system for fire command and control that can be operated by anti-aircraft defence units at the site or while on the move.
The system’s aim is to provide superior, subordinate and cooperative units with the information necessary for their activities and to propose solutions that can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the anti-aircraft defence system.
A mobile, automated command and control system for ground air defence.

Basic characteristics
The RACCOS system receives and processes air situation data coming from various sources (from the superior system, from its own sensors (radars, optical sensors) and from neighbouring units), it creates a combined air situation, processes the pertinence of targets and evaluates their characteristics.
It displays the combined air situation, predicts target positions, provides, to the extent necessary, an overview of the air situation with respect to the location of the defended objects and suggests the optimal allocation of targets to subordinate fire elements according to their position and the tactical parameters.
The system also serves to collect, evaluate and prepare data for the command and control of the anti-aircraft troops’ combat activities.
It ensures the exchange of data on its own units, on the enemy and its activities, and on the radiation and chemical situation by means of formal and informal reports.