ReDAT QualityChart
Quality Management module for systematic monitoring and agents´ evalutation.
ReDAT QualityChart is a software module that serves for evaluation of the agents´ work level. It allows system users to create evaluation forms and perform evaluation of records or external interactions.
Module represents the tool that significantly helps to the contact centres´ agents to work more efficiently and reduces operating costs. It also improves the overview of the operation, needs and possibilities of the contact centre.
Quality Management module for systematic monitoring and agents´ evalutation.

Key features
- Makes the evaluator’s work faster.
- Access to the evaluation functions and results controlled by the user access rights.
- Evaluation of spoken and non-spoken interactions (e-mails, chat, etc.).
- Possibility of the calculating method editing.
- Control the call playback during evaluation.
- Calibration mode of evaluation (training).
- Automatic selection of the evaluated records.
- Automatic storage of evaluation results into the calls database.
- Different view modes to the evaluators’ database (detail, summary, calibration, etc.).
- Automatic export of evaluation results.
- Possibility of delivering evaluations directly to agents or groups of agents in *.pdf, *.xls and *.csv formats.
- Possibility to send the evaluation results via e-mail.
- Possibility to see the evaluated calls status (not evaluated, evaluated, unfinished).
- Allows a re-evaluation of the bad evaluations.
- Availability of statistics on existing evaluations throughout the life of the records.
Evaluation principle
The contact centre supervisors use an evaluation forms. The form consists of several questions and the offer of answers. While listening to the call the evaluators choose the appropriate answers to the questions that are submitted automatically by the form. All answers are scored and form the database of the agents´ calls evaluation. Based on the scoring it is always automatically created the final result of the evaluated call according to the predefined calculation rules. The evaluation results can be displayed in a graphical form (Dashbords).

Try our user interface
There is nothing easier, leave us your contact details and we will create access tailored to you, exactly according to your requirements.
We also believe that sometimes it is better to touch the environment properly.