ReDAT TopicDetection
Voice and text analysis module for detection of topics in interactions.
ReDAT TopicDetection is a software voice and text analysis module, designed as an extension of the ReDAT eXperience Application Platform. It enables the context and content analysis of both speech and non-speech (text) interactions.
ReDAT TopicDetection is the supreme module of advanced analyzes, which further processes the data provided by the ReDAT VoiceProcessor and ReDAT TextPocessor modules.
Voice and text analysis module for detection of topics in interactions.

Key features
The module has practically unlimited options for use. One of the most common outputs of the module is the detection of “the conversation topics”, that describe the basic call information (e.g. offer of a relevant product to the customer) or in text document (chat, email, transcript).
ReDAT TopicDetection provides the results of the analysis immediate after the interaction is finished. It means that the statistics and trends may reveal the status of the on-going operation of the contact centre.
All the obtained results of the context and content analysis are clearly displayed on the userconfigured desktop.
The Inforating matrix displays information about links between topics. In practice, it means that the user can detect the correlation of various topics in the specific set of interactions. For examle to search for records with the sales potential where the offer wasn’t provided.
Up to 40 topics can be selected in one overview.
Integration into the ReDAT
Structure of topics in interactions
The subject or “TOPIC” of the interation is defined in the system and can be searched repeatedly regardless of the time and destination. The result of the analysis is a real-time statistical structure of topics in interations. The results of the analysis are stored in the database of interactions in ReDAT eXperience, from where they are transmitted in a well-arranged graphic form to the responsible employees and managers.
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We also believe that sometimes it is better to touch the environment properly.