Recording and analysis of dispatching applications data
We provide a highly modular system with a wide integration potential that fully covers the needs of dispatching applications recording, in terms of a broad range of supported telecommunication technologies and in terms of available software applications.
Time, accuracy and availability are the key factors. Most dispatch centers monitor several independent sources such as audio and video channels or data integration of other systems including logs. All of these inputs are technologically independent, which means they do not “see” each other.
The ReDAT system ensures dispatch systems are capable of analysis, online monitoring and controlling situations as they appear in a comprehensive manner using all available resources at all times. The system also allows users to create complex reports that are automatically generated and sent according to the user’s requirements.
We provide a highly modular system with a wide integration potential that fully covers the needs of dispatching applications recording, in terms of a broad range of supported telecommunication technologies and in terms of available software applications.

Key features
- easy access via web interface
- simple, intuitive user application environment
- centralized data recording and storage
- reconstruction of the incidents in „context“
- view of the situation in real-time
- synchronous playback
- reporting tools and analytic functions with outputs available online
- map integration
- possibility to integrate “third-party systems”
- hierarchical access to data
- fully audited system
- converting speech to text
- notes can be attached to recordings
Expert's opinion
„…I see considerable potential in this system, especially for the operative control of transport. In addition to a complex record and the monitoring activity of the dispatcher, the system also offers supplemental tools and services for the broad spectrum monitoring systems commonly used today in rail transport. As an expert in the field of rail transport, I see this complex system as a beneficial support element for the control of rail transport, one that considerably increases the safety and naturally also the smooth flow of rail transport.“
- Emergency telephone number 112 (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Slovenia)
- Emergency medical service, all 14 regions (Czech Republic)
- Správa železniční dopravní cesty, national institution (Czech Republic)
- Fire and rescue service of the Czech Republic, all 14 regions (Czech Republic)
- Police of the Czech Republic, all 14 regions (Czech Republic)
- General Directorate for National Security (Algeria)
- Straż Graniczna – Boarder Guard (Poland)
- Ministry of the Interior (Slovenia)
- Fire and Rescue Services of the Slovakia (Slovakia)
- Air Navigation Services (Czech Republic)
- ČEZ, a.s., power stations (Czech Republic, Bulgaria)
- Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy, transport company (Czech Republic)
- İstanbul Metrosu, transport company (Turkey)
- Etablissement National de la Navigation
- Aérienne (Algeria)
- Palma de Mallorca Airport (Spain)
- J.P. ŽELJEZNICE FEDERACIJE BIH d. o. o. Ltd. (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Scandinavian Air Force
- ATC Morocco (Morocco)
- Energie Steiermark (Austria)
- BDZ (Bulgarski Durzhavni Zheleznitsi) (Bulgaria)
- Bratislavská vodárenská spoločnosť, a.s., waterworks company (Slovakia)