Solution for recording Face to Face communication

Comprehensive record of workplaces with personal contact with customers using microphone array.

voice and text


microphone array

At the branch offices, customer contracts are concluded and similar requirements are resolved as in the case of telephone communication. From the point of view of the management of customer care departments, the same methodology of control and management of people is applied as at the contact center. Unlike the telephone contact, there was no clearly conclusive material in the form of a record of an interview with the customer. Our workplace recording solution allows you to use similar interaction processing technology as at the contact center.

Comprehensive record of workplaces with personal contact with customers using microphone array.

Key features

  • The recording system uses a unique microphones‘ array that, thanks to advanced signal processing from eight internal microphones, can mask out unwanted ambient noises.
  • The design of the microphones‘ array is chosen to be as unobtrusive as possible, consisting of a black disk with a diameter of 65 mm and a height of 15 mm.
  • The microphone array utilizes intelligent technology invented at NTT Media Intelligence Laboratories and is not commonly available on the commercial market.
  • It is possible to set the sectors in which the speaker is located, allowing for various positions on the table to be used.
  • The microphones‘ array very effectively separates speakers, i.e., the voice of the shop assistant and the customer, which is a crucial feature for further automated processing.
  • No additional hardware is required; the microphones‘ array connects to a PC or laptop at the workplace.
  • A small software driver is installed on the user‘s PC, ensuring the transmission of audio data to the central ReDat Recording Unit.
  • Microphone activation can be implemented based on ticketing systems, manually, or based on incoming events from third-party systems.
  • All recordings are centralized and can be processed like other recordings in the ReDat eXperience application platform, using all Quality Management modules and applying voice analyses, including artificial intelligence modules.


The integration of recordings from the microphones‘ array into the existing recording system is of course included, along with the ability to utilize the advanced extensions of the ReDat recording system – such as the ReDat QualityChart module for agent evaluation, ReDat TopicDetection, ReDat VoiceProcessor, TopicTracker, etc.

Since the recordings can be included in an automated processing workflow, it is possible to automatically detect topics of interest, frauds, sentiment, and gather many other pieces of information in the recordings from the microphones‘ array.

The overall recording solution for Face to Face interactions also meets strict security and personal data protection requirements (GDPR). For instance, customers can set permissions, choose the duration for storing recordings, or apply a module for encrypting recordings.

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