Business Analytics

One-time analysis of Business Analytics recordings allows customers to test the potential of voice analysis on their own data without having to invest in a new system and purchase licenses.

Business Analytics provides one-off analysis of recordings. The service analyses the contents of contact centre calls, reports on how cross-sales and up-sale calls are handled or monitors on-going campaigns. Business Analytics allows customers to try out the potential voice analysis provides using their own data without investing in a new system.

Use the Business Analytics service to discover the potential offered by ReDAT voice analysis for a fraction of the price of a new system.

Individual parameters are discussed and agreed upon before this one-off analysis of contact centre recordings is performed. Results are delivered without the installation of any system.

One-time analysis of Business Analytics recordings allows customers to test the potential of voice analysis on their own data without having to invest in a new system and purchase licenses.

What's involved?

1.) Offer

You’ll be presented with the details of the service at a meeting with a ReDAT representative and recordings will be turned over (ReDAT system, other systems via VPN or locally on-site). Stereo wav is the ideal level of file quality, but stereo mp3 64 kpbs is also acceptable. Recordings that do not deliver the required level of quality may make it difficult to provide this service.

2.) Assignment

The requirements for one-off analysis are defined or ReDAT standard parameters may be applied. Once these requirements are agreed and a mutual agreement is reached on the final assignment, the specific offer will be presented.

3.) Purchase

The ReDat sales department sends the final offer containing details of the number and type of evaluated recordings to be included and the manner of their handover, the exact subject of analysis, a deadline and a price. Both parties then sign a contract to purchase the one-off service based on this information.

4.) Handover

Handover of recordings for analysis. One option is to temporarily install a ReDAT system at the contact centre so that recordings can be made at the maximum level of quality. In such case, the price for the service is increased by the implementation of this step.

5.) Implementation

Recordings are analysed using ReDAT eXperience Application Platform, whereby the recordings are first transcribed, the primary parameters are counted and then the desired level of analysis of performed.

6.) Results

The results are then turned over, including a final report and graphical outputs. A personalised presentation of the analysed recordings is included as well.

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There is nothing easier, leave us your contact details and we will create access tailored to you, exactly according to your requirements.

We also believe that sometimes it is better to touch the environment properly.

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